Accounts in Skullgirls Mobile are banned when players attempt to use an unsupported version of the app that was not downloaded from the Google Play Store, Apple App Store or Huawei App Gallery. Using any version of the Skullgirls app that does not come from an official authorized source puts your account at risk of being banned.

Modifying an official version of the app using any third party apps including account switchers, app cloners, code injectors, etc can also result in your account being banned.

Please note that the owner of the account is responsible for the account's behavior. We deliver these bans regardless of who is playing at the time, and extenuating individual circumstances have no effect on the standing of these bans.

These bans are permanent, and they cannot be appealed. Per our terms of service which you agree to by using our app, we reserve the right to take action against any term violations, which include terminating your account and prohibiting you from using the service in whole, or in part.