Sorry you're having trouble with your Relics

In Skullgirls, the moment you open or purchase a Relic, the rewards are added to your collection instantly. The two actions take place at the same time on our server, regardless of what happens on your device.

We do this to make sure that even if you close the app or lose connection to the internet, none of your rewards are lost. When this happens, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which characters in your collection are new, especially if you received duplicate fighters.

The easiest way to find missing fighters is to do this:

1) Open your COLLECTION and click on the Filter button on the bottom right.

2) Choose RECENT from the list.

X) DO NOT select 'NEW'



3) Your most recently received fighters will be listed on the left.


If you are still sure you are missing your fighters, send us a message and we'll investigate, but make sure to include the follwing information:

-Your Skullgirls Display Name.
-When you opened the relic.